Sunday, September 24, 2006


sian man... whole day stayed at home again... at home means eat and study lor... haiz... no wonder... haiz...

whole day... so waste time... study only one chem notes... sian man... then i only read thru the Science and tech gp notes... euthanisia and cloning... GM food... haven memorise leh... sian.... why GP need to memorise... i dun understand lor... no wonder need to memborise.... cos my GP always borderline one... haha... haiz.. today actually wanna wake up early do my eom one... but lazy de me... sleep till 9.30am... den slack.... sian lor... 5 more chem notes to go.... physics haven start yet lor... haiz... sian... maths? erm.... left memorise the formula... and graphing and differentiation ba... haha... =) not too sure also.. but did alot maths alr... hope can pass ba... yeah! must give mr poh a gd impression... he is leaving soon... so sad... haiz... such a great teacher....

econs... also haven start... maybe... read mkt failure can alr... haha... macro? erm... see gt time den read ba...haiz... what else? chinese and gp tml... scary... haiz... jia u! =) go go go! =)

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