Monday, November 14, 2011

Apologies for the disappearance!

I didn't post for like 2 weeks already! That is like record breaking! 

These 2 weeks I been to like 2 church events. I'm not a Christian but I respect all religions. 

One is my cousin's BBQ. We played games like concentration, murderer, monopoly deal while waiting for the food to be ready. A lot of people but I don't think the food is enough for everybody. I ate a little. I made a couple of new friends. They are really nice and friendly people. What impressed me is that we watched this movie after everything named Temple Grandin.

The movie depicts the true story of Temple Grandin who is a woman with autism. Austim is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is 3 years old. Sometimes I wonder if I ever had autism before as I'm totally so anti-social at times and don't want to communicate with people. I hate to explain myself because if you trust me, you don't need to question me, just be there for me and support me. Okay, kind of out of point. Back to the story. 

She had a good science teacher back in high school. She is very interested in Science and solved all problems that the Science teacher posted to her despite all the bullies from her schoolmates. She eventually developed an interest for cattle when she works at her auntie's cattle farm. She is known for developing a hug device to calm herself. There were a lot of commotions about this device that she had developed. She later had a room mate who is blind and eventually become close friend. Despite many challenges and bullies, she rebuilds a new dip and alters a slaughterhouse for cows that is more human. She got support from her family and friends along the way and changed to be able to communicate. 

I really felt touched. Because as an autistic, she is still able to preserver and overcome all challenges. While me, a normal person who gave up easily whenever I met with challenges. And I'm really envy her that she found or knew what she wanted in life but till now I'm still don't know what I really like. It is a really worth to watch movie! Watch to get inspired. I cried in the movie with people I just know for barely half a day so you can imagine how touching it is. 

Next Church event is a service by City Harvest in Suntec. That day, Suntec was totally crowded, there were Cosplay & this IT fair as well. Okay, out of point again. The service hall was almost filled with people. The speaker is pastor John Bevere. He is not bad looking ang mo and his 4 sons are damn good-looking too from the photo he showed us. Okay, out of point!! 

His topic for the session is about adversity and hardship. What is our reactions when we are faced with adversity or hardship? Is like we are so negative, depressed and demoralized and can't believe it that why is it happening to ourselves. 

What do we know about adversity? Firstly, we need to know that adversity WILL happen and be ready to face it. Secondly, face all adversity positively. Thirdly, we will have the strength to overcome the adversity and move up to a higher level. Finally, be Relentless means be unstoppable and don't give up to all adversity! 

He just published a book named Relentless talking about adversity. 

Good session. 

I went to Ramen Champion for the 3rd time. This time with Uncle Law. 

The noodles and the soup are separated. The noodles are to dip into the soup. If I'm not wrong it is called Tetsu. The noodles is not bad. The noodles is cold and the soup is warm. The soup is a little too salty. I like the meat! Although it is a little too salty as well for some.

Went to Wendy's 20th birthday party!
Nice birthday cake! :)

My share of cake! 

That's all folks for the update! :)

Sam :)

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