Thursday, August 31, 2006


Yoz guys... gotta check this out...

King Kong Jane - Mary Jane's Last Dance---

King Kong Jane - Good Night Moon---

Happy Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers who had taught me b4... haha... my JCs teachers.... mr poh... chen lao shi( didn't see him today so i didn't wish him... haiz)... this year i was like blur blur smoke thru my life like that...

Aces day... do the dance so the performance v nice... haha... great! teachers singing so great! oh my! so sweet! =)

mr foo performed! so shuai! haha! getting too high... too shuai alr... haha... den that huang lao shi walked past, i tell yc and shouted her name... so evil of us... she blushed... no choice... she is too shy today... haiz... too high alr... hahaha.... =) thanks tl for ur twisty... hee...

den... went back to sec sch... see so many faces... changed so much... haha... =) ms tuan still the same... still so pretty and young and sweet... and friendly... and thin... haiz... haha... =) mrs singh not in sch... haiz... so sad... she went on course... best chem teacher ever... yah... mr chan still as blur as ever.... still wear the "child-like" tee... haha... so cute... haha... =) mrs hairedess... chen lao shi... still so sweet... wear pink... haha... still so modern... haha.... =) my best chinese teacher ever... haha... chen mei li also there... haha... still so pretty... haha... mrs lu... mr amos... didn't see ms james... hmm... sad... saw mr thumb... get alot of new teachers... haha... tt is good... mr boo is looking good...

after that we went to eat... act wanna eat pizzas... but full of ppl... haha... so we go fork and spoon... talk... hui yi looking good... dark... she joined kick boxing... haha... mircle... haha... 9 gals...fingers... nazeeya, kat, sl, susanna... den hui yi went home... pauline also... later me also... cos m really tired... fell asleep waiting for lousia(almost)... haha... =)

den watched halfway the legally blonde... cos fell asleep watching halfway.... haha... =)
catch this...

Social worker?

i think i can be consellor alr... have been hearing probz from my friends... but can't say i dun want to hear... i mean really... ppl alr so sad alr.. den u say, " can u stop it? i dun wan to hear it!" i think it is rude... but nvm... social worker... maybe typical pieces... hearing frenz' prob affect me so much... oh man... how i wish... i had studied pshychology... so interesting... maybe i should and i have... promos... been distracted so much... oh my... gtta start study and focus alr... haiz... haiz... see how ba... today biz gt pinic...haiz... tired... really need to focus... dun let these things affect u k... jia u! go go go! =)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


dunno what to write... just feeling confused over something... haha.... finally the Gp project work is over! great job guys! oh yeah! =)
confused confused... everytime i see him, i feel sad lor... sian... how come?
wonder y yc likes him lor... so evil... haiz... tell him ba yc... haiz... stop torturing yourself alr... haha... =)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Life sux... everything sux... i jus wan myself back to normal... the cheerful and happy me... sorry mum for worrying for me... sorry everyone tt has worried for me... sorry everyone who i had disappointed... sorry for the hurtful things i had said or not not done... sorry for not being a gd fren... i just want my life back to normal... i mean... this is not me... i just want myself back... if i have to achieve this... if i have to hurt anyone... m sorry... sorry for being selfish... i just want my life back... n m gg to mug like hell... which i have not been doing... i really admire muggers... agree with pauline... dunno where they can get the energy... from the solar panar ar... haha... lame... k la... 28 more days to go... if m not wrong... n i have been slacking for so many days alr... slack... so many hwk not done... gtta do! hurry! =)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hee... complain queen! =)

i think i have become complain queen alr... haha! =) complain all abt my sch wk... promos... 29 more days ba i guess... haha... =)
although i have been sleeping for the past two days i still feel very sleepy... haiz... tired also... that is why i didn't go see him lor on sat... so sad... m really tired... can't even get up from my sofa... sleepy... oh man... but now ok la... still tired and gt headache... haha... but still gt lots of stffs to do... gp and eom...just finish editting wr... nice one... jia u! =)
sorry es for cutting off the phone short cos my phone bill will get v high one... haha...
yc u can call me to crap abt him... although m v busy la... but frens are more important, more important den bf?? nt like yc so zhong se qing you... haiz... tell him ba... =) haha! =)
man, i can't go teach tution again tml.. cos tml gt gp! what the... haiz... den should i stay for night study? i dunno... things are gtting so cramped up! haiz... 3 wks alr... i didn't go teach tution... mum asked me to stop since i gt no time to cope alr... haiz... ya... time... hw i wish m a robbot... den i no need to sleep.... even robbot need rest girl... haiz... really girl, things will get better... just wish that everything will get well soon and... my promos... now that i know who is in his heart... need time to heal i guess... haha... rq gt gf alr... heard from li ming.... is it a gd thing that i didn't go on sat to tpc? so that i won't see rq and the girl? i dunno... haiz... nvm la... time will heal my wounds de... haha... cos m cold hearted one... haiz... all the best girl! =)
gogogo! =)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

oh my!

tired and more tired of my life... oh man... tired... study and so many hwk! and so many things to study... 30 more days to promos...
ytd was a terrible day... took back maths paper in the morning... feel like killing myself for copying wrong qns... nice one.... not one but 2 qns wrongly... so u can see i failed terribly... nice one... haiz... so unlucky huh? took back physics paper... fail also... gt study also fail... nice one... took back gp paper... failed again... need consultation... haiz... see... one day 3 heart attrack... haiz... nice one... terrible and tired... stayed for night study... do 8 qns of differentation... slept in i-space...
congrats the two love birds.... haha...
thanks all my friends for caring for me... m fine man... haha... =) i'm strong and tough... won't die or faint so easily... haha! =)
thanks for letting me know who is really in ur heart... i understand...
now i gotta chiong chiong chiong for promos... but like you xin wu li like that... haha... gotta jia u! stay strong and happy always girl...
a word of advice to yc that i code from Mrs Lim: dun let anyone control u, have control over urself... tell him k? jia u lor! =)
everybody jia u for promos! =)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

tons of things...

oh my tian... haiz... so many stuffs! gotta do powerpioint thingy for gp... gotta do gp hwk... gotta count the surveys... oh my tian... haiz... kk... nvm... jia u lor... haiz... hee.... go go go! =) haiz... tired and busy... erm... man, my ming yu sweeping floor alr today... what else can be more wrong... cls and guitar, my mingyu... oh my.... haiz... no reputation alr... haiz... my life... kk better go do my work alr... but i really want to slack leh... how? haiz... jia u ! =) hehe! =)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tired of life...

tired tired! sian... tired... lots of stuffs on hand... that i wanna clear all at once... haiz... tired... tutorial vectors... been doing it for very long alr... but still unclear and trying to figure out the problems... haiz... so tired... gp project wk... revision has to be done! cos no time!!! how many days left??? 32 days!!! oh my tian... haiz... pw also... homework also so much... everyday come home alr so tired and late... oh my tian... as if m a machine like that... haiz... biz proposal also... now dec gt a camp... haha... 6 to 8 dec... one more person... wanna who will wanna join... yups... for testimonal and cash... wahaha... =) jia u for promos! =)

Sunday, August 20, 2006


haha! i think i have past the most productive weekend... why? let me see... sat morn... i go teach yzps kid... hee... den i go pair study with pauline... guess what? i finished the maths tutorial 10! yeah man... den evening i went aunt's hse for nong nong's bd party... gt potato salad... yummy... chocolate cake... muhaha... =) gt doggie also call bobby... haha... kids are so adorable... love them.... so ke ai! =) that is how i past my sat...
sunday... went pair study with shang... did the thermal tutorial... yeah man... haha... not bad huh? i still left... econs tutorial wksh5 n maths t8c.... n what ar? study econ test.... do the pw wksh which i dun feel like doing... study spa which i dun feel like studying also... haiz... feel so lazy now... haiz... haha... just took a nap... tired... haiz... kk... go back to my econ alr... dun slack alr... haha! working hard n smart towards promo! way to go! jia u! yeah! =)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Promo coming

ytd went night study with yc... haha... like v time consuming... but nvm... at least gt do some wk... haha... at home is watch tv one... that jin shan shun... v nice... haha... jia u lor... 37 days more to promo... go go go... i gotta mug like i nv mug b4... u can do it de! jia u! go go go! =)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Maths test...

tml gt maths test...and GP test... today physics test die alr.. haiz... really gotta study hard alr! jia u! 39 more days to promos! =) jia u! hee! =)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


40 days to promos! jia u! go go go! haiz... still gt gp and maths hwk... tml gt Chem SPA and physics test! fri gt maths and gp test! nice one... sian... haiz... jia u lor! yeah! =) i finally know who is tt person alr... haha... yeah... and m rite... yeah! jia u lor! haha! =)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Love is not a toy... not for u to play and joke about... pls be serious about it... hope they know it.... haiz...
going to see him i mean them soon??? next sat... i hope so... yeah! =) tired... will endure... 41 days to promos... jia u... may lady luck will be with me... yeah... not late for sch ytd... haha... =) hee... go go go! =)

Monday, August 14, 2006

My life

My life consists of so many things and so many ppl...
- my friends...
-my family...
-my school work--worry on how to promote, how to buck up my scores...
-an's tutoring
-Biz Club
-Interact Club? i still miss it leh...
-Beatty... i still miss this sch... no matter how big the chances is...
-Promoting.... haiz...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Life is so much pain...

Headache headache and more headache... haiz...


I shall not complain abt my sch wk.
cos m fortunate to be able to have an education.
yes. many want an education but due to some reasons...
many envious other ppl for what they have.
but why can't they realise that they are also v fortunate n xin fu?
ya... so i have come out with...
DOs n DON'T!
1) sleep early
2) no online for me unless nesscessary
3) no going out unless nesscessary but kkj performance???
4) no tv???
5) revise!!!
6) tys!!!
7) tutorials!!!
8) listen attentively!!! no snoring in lectures!!! haha!!!
9) drink enough water everyday
man... gotta do it! will i? perverservance... determination... blah blah blah... haiz... jus do it... nike... haha... kk... gotta do it! yeah! buai! =)


Muhaha... today was a ... erm... tiring and headache day at yangzheng pri sch i guess... when i was walking up the stairs... i alr heard noises... i thought... why so noisy? is it the tutoring cls? i looked in... unfamilar faces... 3 guys and 1 girl... and many kids... really nosiy... running around and playing a fool... talking... man... so messy...
we tried to shut them up by giving them homework... haha... but that did not really work... keith and kai yang got came... haha... felt so sorry for keith as i can't tutor him alone today... oh man... i didn't get the wksh he did... he said he wanted me to mark... i wonder did he take it back? i only gt vanessa and kai yang ones... oh man... nice one... where did i put it? or he took it back? haiz...
although it was really tiring... it was like having a battle... but it was quite fun... haha... in a world of innocent kids... what more to think of, rite? haha... i dunno... i felt that... no bordery... no more stress... i just feel relax... so weird... haha...
man... i did the work energy power... sian... i struck at q3... sian... sian... i really dun feel like doing hwk... do hwk can... but ... it is like u do alr den dunno... den dun feel like doing alr... ok... gotta try to do... really need to buck up... pull up my socks alr... or else i can't even promote... haiz... jia u lor! =)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Feeling pain...

Why am i always the one suffering in silence? why do i miss u so much? this is so painful... i tried my best to keep myself busy... but does nt seem to be working... i will try harder... i believe i can do... i know i do... yes i do... i will live my new life again! yes! =)

Friday, August 11, 2006

My dream...

I believe in refining... so matter how bad it is... i still believe there is hope... and i will do it till my last breath... no matter how bad is the diamond... it still have its value... i think i will be the one to increase its value... hee... i will do my best... i believe i can... may u will help me too... =)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tickle test...

Sam, your flavor is Groovy Grapefruit
With a laidback style and anything-goes outlook, your groove is mellow yellow. People enjoy hanging out with you for your calming vibe and unique perspective on life. That's probably because you aren't one to let everyday stress get you down. In fact, your pals would say they've rarely seen your feathers ruffled. But as much as you enjoy the company of your compadres, you're just as happy to spend time solo. Why follow the crowd when you can chill down your own path?
Chances are, traditional success has never been a huge priority for you. With your groovy outlook, we'd guess you're more interested in the journey than the destination. This type of thoughtfulness extends beyond your inner circle to the world at large. Whether lending a helping hand to others or getting the word out about social causes, your caring nature is punctuated with a zing that never fails to get people's attention.

Nation Day to Malaysia

Man... i missed it... haiz... ya... i went to Malaysia during National Day... haha... =) went with my uncle aunt mum 2 cousins... bro can't go cos his passport overdue alr... sad man... haha...
went to find the place they ate last time where they think it is nice... it is near the sea... den the 1st place where we were heading is the rite... but we jus missed it... so we wasted one hr going round the region to find that place... haha... in life is like tt... i think it is ok... cos den we would be able to rmb the road and rmb the memories tt we had in the car trying to find the place den we will have common topic... haha...
haha... that place is really desserted... but the thing is near the sea... kumpong like... haha... man... what's the name of the restoran? i forget... haha... blur sotong... food... erm... is ok... cos it is nt the restoran they ate last time... is the one beside it... haha... but nvm... memories will last forever... the houses there are really nice... on construction... maybe next time we go, the houses alr finished.... haha.... so nice lor... haha... =) we saw horses on the way too! =)
after that we went to perling mall near the seafood restoran one... to shop... i think is uncle fren is wking there... hairdresser... den she hire a guy... that guy kept staring at me... i know m pretty... no need to stare at me this way! haiz... i bought 2 pairs of slippers n one nike shoe... n one bag... billabong de... haha... i regretted not buying tt bag... haiz... tt billabong bag... i should have buy it... haiz... nvm...
after shopping, uncle want to eat again i was like what... ur digestion real quick... we went to ... what is the restoran again? i forget again... haha... i kept preventing uncle from ordering too much... haha... after that we bought durians! my fav! =) and mangos! yummy! =) guavas... haha... rambutans... haha... =) den we went home... tired...
Happy Belated National Day! =)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

National Day Eve

Haha... nice day... walk so long... doing CIP... blah blah blah... zi high... zi entertain.... haha... =) great one... go Little India... where the memories will last... haha... =) den went back to sch for performance by Indonesia frenx... thanks guys.... haha... gt one guy playing piano and one guy singing... oh man... the guy sings so well... haha... almost touches my head... i say almost... haha...den we sang singapore songs- Home and Stand Up For Singapore! =) after that went out to eat with cls... haha... at the nearby coffee shop... so full man! haha....
den i met louisa and fren at J8 to catch a movie... The Lake House... nice movie tt will nv happened in real life... haiz... the rite time the rite guy... so fantasy... haiz... but jus for entertainment... i think it is ok... haha... the girl saved the guy... will two diff timing person meet? cos there is no diff timing... haha... 2004... 2006... haha... nice one... i jus feel tt the house v nice... haha... cos the house make out of glass! =) my dream house... some more near the water... so cool! they commuicate thru writting... thru a mailbox near the lake hse... so cool... haha... but den again... due to my tiressness or what so ever... fell asleep on some parts... some parts too boring... i think... but.... quite a nice story line... interesting... haha... kk... tired... going bathe... buai... =) happy national day eve! =)

National Day Eve

Haha... since it's national day... so what's up? haha... i took the last train last night... cos i was at auntie's house.... haha... doing arts for her daughter for today national celerabation... i dun feel like sleeping man... cos when i'm done... she seemed so happy... haha... nice one... although nt v nice... i mean the craftwork... it had been long since i did my arts... i rmb when i was in pri sch it was aunt who help me do my art piece... now it was my turn to repay back... haha... diao... tml... haha... dunno... sound like fun i guess and i hope... go go go! jia you! =)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Neoprint taken! after seeing KKJ! =)

Miserable week is over!

This week is really tough man.... haiz... monday... gt physics tutorial but i didn't do... why i didn't do... i forget the reason alr... tuesday.. got econ test... i crap all my way thru...i didn't study... cos no time... gotta tutor my cousin... haiz... tired.. wednesday... erm.. went up to take cert... afternoon gt biz... tired... got maths test also... sian... the 4 marks qns i dunno hw to do... sian... thurs... gt chinese compo test... warm and tired we do the test... nice one...haiz... and gt chem test and restart and got guitar... tired and lack of slp... friday spa and gp paper 1... finally it is all over.... gotta rest a while and wk for next week! jia u...
things needed to do for next week:
study chem test which is on monday
Physics tutorial forces
chem tutorial kinetic equalism
GP skill package 2
Lucky next week is a slacking week... cos gt 3 days of hols... it is national day! yeah! hehe! =)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tickle test result...

Sam, your strongest sense is Humor

Always good for a laugh — that's most likely how friends describe you. With your quick wit, you can easily bring a welcome smile to someone's face or lighten a situation with some much-needed comic relief. You've got an ability to laugh at yourself and help others not take things too seriously. Your instincts tell you that nothing does a body good quite like a hearty laugh. That's why having fun is your number one priority when it comes to parties, vacations, and even the daily grind. Injecting a little humor into each day keeps you and everyone around you smiling. Nice job!


Could I just lay on ur shoulder for 5 more min... how i wish... i could see ur face... but i couldn't... i could not see ur face... could not lay on ur shoulder... cos when i woke up, it is all gone... u r just a dream... a fanstasy... not reality... but u seemed so real... why is this so? i really dun understand... i just hope i dun see u again in my dream... cos my heart will ache when i woke up...
Now i understand y guys r not perfect... cos only guys in dreams is perfect... i suddenly saw all the ugly side of guys... stingy, pretty, not sensitive, nt caring, not gentleman.... but my dad is the best... although he is nt perfect... but still he is caring... dun smoke... dun drink... care abt the family... responsible...
i really lack of sleep alr... take the result slip... i really feel like dying... i dunno hw to show it to my mum... haiz... hw wonderful... hw i wish... genui will come n save me... haha... too fantasy alr... m a imagative gal ba.... cos of my horoscope i guess... cos m a typical "piecesian"...
pe tired... maths okay... econs lect slacking and day dreaming...econ test crap all the way... hope can crap some marks lor.... haiz...
i dunno y i not in the mood to anything... told u i dun like this week alr... haiz... oh sunday... haha... let talk abt sunday to cheer me up...
woke up... excited... dressed up... hee... ok la... put little make up only ok... earrings n necklace... meet sham n liming... go to IMM... excited.. luckly didn't miss their performance... haha... KKJ u rocks! and got their signatures! =) but RQ didn't talk to us... but he waved gd bye to me... =) wahaha... colin is so nice! =) haha... oh man... i can really feel myself brushing i guess... now i understand y the fans go so crazy over their idols alr... haha... used to think tt they are crazy, they r only humans jus like us y go crazy over them... nth better else to do is it... but nw... no more... cos the feeling is totally different... when u like them... u will support them all the way...hehe...
after tt we went to National lib in Bugis to study... but really no mood and got chased out cos anyhow sat on the floor... then we went to take neoprint at Bugis junction... shopping... took a great deal of effort persuading liming to take... haha.... but not bad la... i have been obsessed with taking np alr... haha...
Man... yc... go spread my rumours... but it is not true... so dun even bother abt it... haha... dun worry... cheers! =)
Hope YC is okay.... haiz... dun bother over stupid comments... guys r childish... okay some guys r childish... i can't generalise... cos... u know... gp.... haiz... n hope she dun b so pms also... haha... stop beating me also... haiz... Now i know tt our principal is so sweet... so friendly... haha... suddenly changed my opinions on him... hee... dun feel heartbroken over wrong guys... haiz... oh... np... if gt time den put up... haha... i hope next wk can come soon... cos gt 3 days of slacking day... =) hee... man... dunno how to show my result slip to mum... later she screams at me... man... what an unlucky day... haiz... no wonder my heart feel so weird... haiz... better go back to my study alr... buai...